
Germany | 2014
directed by: Simone Catharina Gaul
produced by: Domar Film GmbH, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
music: Hannah von Hübbenet, Konomba Traore
Bintou lives in Burkina Faso and dreams of a career as a seamstress in Europe. Her European customers are happy that she works quickly and cheaply. Bintou films her latest creations with a small camera, chats in the internet café and reenacts TV casting shows with her friends. But then she gets the news that she has to bring her seven-year-old daughter, who has been living in a children's home, to live with her. This upsets her concept of life...
Awards and festivals:
- nominated for FIRST STEPS AWARD 2014
Jurypreis beim Vittorio Veneto Filmfestival, Italien
Award for Excellence, Beloit International Film Festival, USA
Festivals (selection): Docudays UA Kiew, Hot Docs Toronto, Ecrans Noirs Yaoundé, ZIFF Zansibar, BIFF Beloit, Regard Bleu Zürich, Luxor African Filmfestival Kairo, Sguardi Altrove Milano, Freiburger Filmforum Freiburg, Indy Filmfest Indiana