Behind the headlines

Germany | 2021
directed by: Daniel Andreas Sager
produced by: Bauderfilm Produktion
music: Hannah von Hübbenet & John Gürtler
Two years after the revelation of the Panama Papers, the journalists of the investigative editorial department of the Süddeutsche Zeitung face new challenges.
The political murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galicia and a mysterious arms dealer linked to Iran's nuclear missile program. But when a secret video is leaked to them in the spring of 2019 that heavily implicates Austrian Vice Chancellor HC Strache, events come to a head.
For the documentary BEHIND THE HEADLINES/ HINTER DEN SCHLAGZEILEN, Germany's largest daily newspaper opens the door to its world-renowned investigative department for the first time, allowing an intimate glimpse into work processes that otherwise take place only under strict secrecy.
CPH:DOX Copenhagen - FACT:AWARD competition (world premiere)
HOT DOCS Toronto (North American Premiere)
DOK.fest München (opening film/ international competition)
Zurich Film Festival
from September 2021 in German and Austrian cinemas